
“Sushant Singh Rajput – SSR Diaries Part 7”

Sushant Singh Rajput - SSR Diaries Part 6


My last blog was on, “Sushant Singh Rajput – SSR Diaries Part 6”. Sushant Singh Rajput explained in his diary the working of Hawala System. He also wrote how Big People like Ambanis, P. Chidambaram, Raghuram Rajan and Bollywood celebrities earn Black Money through NGO’s, prostitution, organ trafficking, human trafficking, sports etc. This blog will focus on Sridevi and her death along with various interesting facts such as the link between Salman Khan, formation of “Being Human” & Taj Attack in Mumbai!

Now, the next aspect of the case would revolve around the connections between Bollywood, sports and the underworld.

Sridevi & Her Death

Sushant wrote, “I still remember it like yesterday when the meetings of producers happened to discuss the Sridevi’s death. I was not able to attend the meeting physically but one telephone call changed my thought process. It changed the entire perspective of the industry I worked for and I am continuing to work for. People explained many things to me regarding Sridevi’s death. I was never under the impression that she died due to accidental drowning. But the biggest confusion remained in my mind and continuous to remain is, “why is the family silent”?

This was the first shock on my conscience but couldn’t do anything. I am just mentioning about this to make people aware that this, what I have done is not a joke but the fact is that I am doing this only for myself because my conscience is making me do this. Kindly don’t misunderstand me. I very clearly would want to make the reader who is reading this to understand my some point. When the family is not interested in pursuing the case, what could I do?

This made me do lot of research around Sridevi & her death. I reached various roots of this cabal and can conclude that this is real filthy and deep. The connections the connected industries have , are filthy and deep and closely connected to each other.

This I will cover in a separate disc where I will do a detailed analysis on the same.”

Sridevi “The Real Hero”

Sushant Singh continued, “The thing is as simple as this. We 3 people, myself, Asif and Sandeep, we will work on each of these aspects which I shall cover in deep in the next part of the discussion. Before that let me explain the total context on the various aspects I am going to cover. I will carefully explain the detailed analysis because the real heroine/ hero in real life is Sridevi. We all are nothing but mere pieces of paper in front of her.

I am not sure what is the news that is out into social media platforms regarding Sridevi’s death. There is a team who is doing its bit for the purpose of getting justice for the noble soul. But I am not sure whether I should take help to reach out to this team and share information that we got as a mandate from the producers guilt. I will do my bit of research around Sridevi and her death and definitely try and get in touch with the team if my life is written that long.

Anyone reading this, please do not confuse yourself thinking about what I was up to. But the real catalyst that did the role of filling my conscience with questions was the death of Sridevi. This later started making a lot of sense due to some reports. I could easily conclude that what I as a human being was thinking all this while was true. My conscience is clear as pure water despite whatever is the situation I am facing since the time I started looking into these deaths, I would conclude this segment on the following notes.”

Mysterious Deaths in Bollywood Industry


He added. “Every death closed as mysterious is most probably a cold blooded murder just like death of Sridevi. All such murders were brushed down the carpet with influence, status, power and money. The decisions you take after a composed mind by knowing everything actually streamlines the whole process. I don’t know what future holds for me in store as I have already done enough damage to myself. 

Anyone reading this, if he is an angel as per my description earlier, he should hold on, wait and not to trust anyone. He must go about this in his own way and follow what I did when I was left alone and in a company of very few friends. Close your eyes and just keep breathing without any thoughts coming into your mind. Repeat this for 2 minutes max and the answer that comes from within when your mind has exhausted its capacity to stop thinking is the best advice on how you have to proceed in this fight.

If you are the devil of my description, your journey ends here my friend. This would fetch you enough money to have a casual lifestyle for all the days. But Mahadev who is watching all this has his own unique style to pay you back. All the best.”

Salman Khan & “Being Human”

Sushant Singh said, ” I will explain in detail in the slides to follow, the biggest reason behind forming “Being Human”. But yes, be aware not to believe even for a split second that Salman Khan is having a clean image. Having a clean image is just the 0.001% of the whole story. What was the time of formation of “Being Human”? The process began in late 2005 and finalized in 2007. These two years hold great value for catastrophes that happened in these respective years. 

In 2004 to 2005, relief activities of tsunami and 2007- Hyderabad blasts. Do some research of your own for now before you get to the detailed analysis of my reports. My reports include the funders and people who are funding not to be confused for founders of being human. And you will be able to find lots of answers. These answers you find will help you better relate to the findings of mine.

You will lay your hands on, when you reach the slide you should. The action you need to take becomes even more easier. Because the entire happening is in your mind. You will realize and prepare for all the dangers you would face and encounter in the path. I have made my effort and you are reading means I am not here in this world.

But my work shall guide you as a shield and my team shall stand with you during all adversities. Truth has to win. Humanity has to prevail and my heart says truth will win and stand and it is only truth that will prevail.”

Salman Khan, Aishwarya Rai & White Collar Crimes

salman Khan

He wrote. “The subject on NGOS wouldn’t be complete without special mention to “being human”. It is the biggest reason why Salman khan took to me raising. The 3 questions I would want you to analyze is The reason to form “Being Human”? The time of its formation? What purpose did it solve?

What was the reason behind the formation of “Being Human”? Complains of physical abuse of women, too much alcoholism and issues of domestic violence started making grounds. People with Salman supported him or made it sure that he came out with clean image. I will later write about a family and its connections that had all the grudge against Salman. The cases of Aishwarya Rai and some other actors if you follow their connections, Aishwarya Rai was connected in one way or the other to them, started making grounds.

Salman bhai is the major link in most of these White collar crimes. He is an integral part in the crime syndicate. The friendship Salman Khan shares with Sanjay Dutt & a bunch of other people are experts in putting people with a difference of opinion to rest. Now trying to see which was the last movie of Divya Bharti, released just 10 days before her death. Kshatriya, now the analysis and assumptions whatever you want to make are ready. I will explain it in detail in future slides.

Whether it is Sridevi’s death or Divya Bharti’s, one must analyze before heading further with his investigation. This is just one instance I have quoted and don’t want to bring it out in detail here.”

Yakub Memon & The Clean Image

Sushant Singh Rajput continued, “Why this industry respects Salman Khan so much today? The registration of black buck case on him happened because of his relationship with the daughter of Maharaja of Rajasthan. I explained it earlier but this forms an important connection to the formation of “Being Human”. Hence I feel I need to make this reference here.

His image got tarnished to such an extent that there were lot of legal implications coming hard on him and it is due to same old trick of blackmailing. Someone close to this family believed to be given this idea of “Being Human”. The main reason many believe is to make him a clean image for all the things that were running against him. But this is not the case.

A comment passed on Yakub Memon made me go back and rework on certain things. That’s when I got to main reason why “Being Human” came into existence. I am not adding suspense to it but at this juncture, you are not knowing the whole story. You are not equipped to go ahead and take this fight to that level. The only reason you are getting to read this is because I no longer am here and you who is reading this will be the torch bearer of how this fight should continue.

A honest man with honest intentions definitely will lose his cool and his peace of mind. He will end up committing a mistake so lets go about it, the way I went through it. And the future slides when you read them, you will for sure know that the actions with agitated mind invites enemies. You would expose yourself. New chapter starts my conscience speaks!”

Being Human, Taj Hotel Mumbai & The Attack

Sridevi & Her Death

Sushant started writing new chapter. He stated, “Welcome back now. You have reached here and successfully opened this. Honestly speaking you are 10% genuine to me so far in your journey. In continuation to the Taj’s Attack and the tragedies that happened around this time, there are recorded transfers being made from the basis of my investigation around “ Being Human”.

This actually opened up my eyes on how many I could trust and how many people are there in my life to make a mess of it, enjoying my popularity, just having fun with me and around me and those who actually want to help and support me .

Now let me start the episode of this topic around the “Being human” and other NGOs. I will give detailed introductions around this so that you can have some subject matter hand in when you intend to proceed with your research. My research should not be everything for you but just be a part of it. Now the first step I took towards finding out where does the root of the problem lie was to get close to the workers, the laborer, the house helps, the drivers and the handlers of Salman Khan.

And then I found out how exactly to implement these into action. Such is his name and the fear around his name that even by mere hearing of it peeps back off. And that became a big big headache for me but the breakthrough came when Arjun started a relationship with Malaika Arora. It was just a matter of time and some bottles of whiskey which helped me to get to the roots.

The roots of what exactly is in store for this issue and the research in the path I need to make and select for me to proceed further in my goal towards attaining the papers and the documents to expose the man.”

“Being Human”, Swiss Bank & Manhattan Bank

Sushant Singh described, “The devil in the skin of an angel and you should now exactly know who I am referring to. These recorded transfers I was talking about earlier opened up an entirely different angle. The fact was that the founder and the funders of “Being Human” were hand in glove with the people who planned these attacks. Most of the money that helped with the funding of these attacks happened through the collection of some movies, the amount transferred to the account of “Being Human” and from “Being Human” to the accounts of the selected people who were a part of the job.

I am sure this will take a lot of time. If I would live up to that time, we can actually crack the destination from where it came and the source to whom it went. International legalities should be pressed on Swiss bank, the Manhattan bank and some more banks. Their complete working modules I have explained in the slides to continue. Because these are the banks that play a major role in helping out these crooks based on the patterns of their encryption. They helped to hide the source of the transfer.

It will take a lifetime to crack into them. As all of us know Swiss bank is pretty strict with its personalization policy, hence are tough nuts to crack. I have assigned this task to someone and shall update you in details here once I am done. I would again request the reader not to think I am telling a story. The fact is, every word written, every point explained is against the biggest cabal. The only way to stop it is to keep your steps in silence and march ahead like you know nothing.

No noise made and the hit given is the best way out whether it is the Salman Khan or culprits involved in Sridevi’s death.”

Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor

Sushant continues, “Now, when Arjun Kapoor started dating Malaika Arora, I started to spin my web. The first step here was to play on the mindset of Arbaaz khan. I went up to him and asked his help. I told him that if he wants to teach Arjun a lesson, he needs to trap Boney Kapoor in betting. Someone advised me to just see and listen to the facts around it. But he will give me the files only after I prove my loyalty to him. But alliance did he know and my camera could speak.

The first 3 buttons of my shirt were my cam and recorder. I recorded the entire conversation and converted to pdf and other formats. I stored it for you to lay your hands in future when you get going with this investigation. Arbaaz actually opened up his laptop and explained the files to him. My cam silently recorded the whole thing. By god’s grace I was able to carry this out that day.”

Alvira Khan, Jacqueline Fernandez & The Wild Parties

Rajput added, “The initial set of information I wanted real action happening and collecting solid information. Though I didn’t want to do it but my next target was Alvira Khan. I got very close to her because of Jacqueline Fernandez during one of the wild parties which these women have. During such parties, a lot of questionable bonding happens. Since I am not sure who would be reading this, I have used the most decent word.

If you can actually relate to this, I would say this is something a woman does when she takes on the role of a man. It is rather like we say this is all women party and only selected men are entertained. I approached Alvira when she was high on drugs. That day I had the shock of my life when I found out that the man who portrays himself as the “Badshah of Bollywood industry” is nothing less than to Ghulam.

The culture he has taught to his kids, where is the society heading to? Why are values vanishing so fast? Getting into a relation and getting out of it has become like changing from boxers into jeans, pants and from jeans, pants into night clothes.”

Sushant Singh Rajput said, “Through Alvira Khan I found out that the movies that were made before and after the Taj Attacks and the movies that followed based on the themes around the Taj Attacks by default have to pay a royalty of 30% to the underworld. Most of these transactions happened from the “Being Human” account and also the being human goodies collection too. To stand as a strong evidence to this, an account registered on the name of “Being Human” in ICICI Marine Drive’s branch was closed down just a month before the attack.

The same account has incoming and outgoing transfers to the likes of Neerav Modi, Lalit Modi, Farooq Lambu and Shera. This man Shera should be the prime target if in case any investigation around Salman khan takes place. Because this person has lot of information and he is very safely guarded. He knows a lot of dirty secrets around Salman Khan. This is one angle.

There are various connections attached to threats like this and these threats thrive in Bollywood. Example as follows. When Dharmendra ji was already married to Prakash Kaur ji, he got married to Hema Malini. No one in the family accepted Hema Malini ji. Dharmendra ji was very well aware of the legal implications he would face. He knew about the financial turmoil he would go through if he married Hema Malini ji without divorcing his first wife.”

Dharmendra And Hema Malini

He continued, “Here Dharmendra ji converts to Islam and married Hema Malini ji. But the entire family hates it. Now the interesting subject that got my attention is that after years of marriage, it is the Sunny Deol who plays the mediator and tries to patch up with the family and Hema Malini ji. The reason remained amused to me till the day I found out that Hema Malini ji has illegally acquired lands in and around Mumbai and Punjab and other places in India and both the junior Deols are well aware of it.

The reason the patch up happens and Hema Malini ji joins politics followed by Sunny Deol is as simple because Sunny and Hema ji have worked hand in glove in many crimes. I have documented evidences for all the instances recorded and also in detail the dates and time of what exactly has happened and how it has happened.”


Friends, the topic of Sridevi’s death, link between Salman Khan and the Taj attack or marriage of Dharmendra and Hema Malini, all these I will cover in my upcoming blogs through Sushant Singh Rajput’s words. Thank you so much for all the support!


This article or blog is created on the basis of information received from websites and public domain. Dr. Priyanka Jain (PT) w.r.t. http://www.drjainpriyanka.com cannot confirm its authenticity. This is not done to defame anyone. Here she has just tried to express her views.

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