
Which Fruits Are Healthy?

Which Fruits Are Healthy

Is Sugar in Fruits Bad For You ?

Which Fruits Are Healthy?

This blog mainly focuses on “Which fruits are healthy”, “Is Sugar in Fruits Bad For You”, “What is glycation and its blood test” and whether it is good to consume fruits or not. This topic is again very very controversial because fruits are something that you have been eating since ages. Chances are higher that you might not digest the information which I am going to share today with you as everyone likes fruits including me!

It may shake your conviction and thought process by actually challenging the way you are living and eating since ages.

This blog will definitely stimulate your mind after my sharing of some facts with you. Is it a myth that fruits, honey or jaggery are nutritious? Are they really? Let’s check it out!

Glycation & Glycosylation


There are hidden carbohydrate in fruits that is Fructose. Ever heard of Glycation? Glycation is a non-enzymatic process in which sugar or monosaccharide or glucose sticks to proteins ( amino acid ) or lipids (fatty acids ). When this happens, it gums up the function of your cell which is not a healthy situation for your body. Now there is a term known as Glycosylation.  This process occurs in the presence of enzymes and requires ATP which is the energy currency of your body.

In glycosylation, your body speeds up ATP production so that sugar or glucose can stick to cells in a certain way. Simply, this is something that your body wants. Glycation does not need any enzyme so whenever you blood sugar levels are high, glycation takes place and sugar sticks to the protein or lipid. This changes their physiological appearance and turn them into a foreign body material to which your immune cells may attack .

Advance Glycation due to Fruits

So, high blood sugar level is not acceptable. Now comes Advanced Glycation. As per scientists, advanced glycation is the root cause in aging in both cellular and tissue level, organ dysfunction, stroke, diabetes, alzheimer,  atherosclerosis and much more. Now in a human being, in his lifetime, glycation does happen but as they say “ excess of everything is very bad “ , if glycation is in a very low amount it appears to be normal but  if you have a lots of glycation in your body then it is not a good news! You will definitely face issues as per the medical as well as physiological science.

Now the next thing which you need to understand is that there are 3 types of monosaccharides that are glucose, fructose and galactose. So generally whatever forms of carbohydrates you eat, that will be broken down into smallest particles which is monosaccharide. So these are the most common monosaccharides that a human can ingest from diet. Now these 3 monosaccharides play an important role in glycating things in your body.

Which fruits are healthy? Is Sugar in Fruits Bad For You ? Are you still thinking about it ?

Blood Test For Glycation

Blood Test

The last thing in this trail which you need to understand is the blood test HbA1c. This test will let you know that how much glycation has happened to hemoglobin in RBC. Out of 3 monosaccharides (glucose, fructose and galactose), fructose is 8 to 10 times more glycating than glucose. Fructose has a very high magnitude! Fruits, honey or jaggery come into picture because fruits and honey are rich in fructose.

If you think that this blood test will tell you about glycation done by all monosaccharides, then you are certainly not right because HbA1c  test only checks glycation done by glucose but not fructose despite of having 10 times more glycation ability than glucose.

HbA1c  test can not also detect the glycation of lipid in body. So if you love fruits and are keen keen to consume fructose either from fruits or processed foods then for sure a lot of glycation must be happening in your body. Sadly, you can’t even find it out through usual blood tests or scans. You may feel that everything is good but in actuality, it’s not!  


Do we have a solution? Well, Certainly Yes!  You can check the fructose glycation by keeping a close eye on an amino acid. Through this amino acid, fructose adherence to protein can be traced but this test is little expensive. Moreover you need to visit a research lab. At the end, detecting glycation due to fruits is not everyone’s cup of tea hence it is better to keep yourself off from fruits or anything that contains fructose.

The question , “which fruits are healthy” , I hope I was able to answer. So, if you still feel like eating fructose, do it in moderation but avoid becoming a regular enjoyer of fruits.

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