
“Sushant Singh Rajput – SSR Diaries Part 17”

Sushant Singh Rajput - SSR Diaries Part 17


My last blog, “”Sushant Singh Rajput – SSR Diaries Part 16” focused on the list of contents that Sushant Singh would mention in detail in his upcoming slides. He said that he would explain various secrets in depth such as the beginning of Underworld Mafia, the death of Rishi Kapoor, Shashi Kapoor, the planning of Bio War (viz Covid) etc. In this blog, Sushant discussed about strange and weird facts about a retired lieutenant colonel, Indrajit Chakraborty & his daughter Rhea Chakraborty.

Rhea chakraborty & Indrajit Chakraborty

Sushant Singh Rajput started writing his diary, “Mr X, no 7 is Ajit Pawar and he is the real problem maker. You can refer to this person here as the power broker or dalal. There have been many instances where this person has been the sole reason for a lot of activities to get happened around the past 3 years. You can connect them instantly. Yes, if you talk about the damage he did because of those instances than I don’t have words to say. I don’t have words that how do we document it?

Now here again the doubt which my mind keeps throwing on me gets more and more intense. I need to say that I am sometimes a little harsh on myself. But that barrier and that check is very much needed. Showik (Rhea Chakraborty’s brother) once again did blunder today. When I wanted to deal harsh with him, my people yelled out saying that I am overthinking. My people here means, I know I have to sit back and laugh on myself. But still this is the fact and this thing needs to be documented. As I feel this is necessary as these chain of thoughts can actually come on to you as well.

This can help you relate that even if you think everything is perfectly normal, you should never be off the guard and take things for granted. So my people here when I speak are as follows:- Indrajit Chakraborty (Rhea Chakraborty’s father). this man has always been on the needle of my radar. Also I have my own doubts around him to speak more about him which I definitely will.”

Rhea Chakraborty & Indrajit Chakraborty continued..
Rhea chakraborty

Rajput said, “But before that, let me give you those 10 questions which strike my mind and then my analysis which made me doubt. You might feel while reading this that after so many great reveals made, why am I giving importance to a man like this person. But yes, let me make one point very clear over here which shall be of great help to you as well. Because this is one of the biggest mistake I myself made too.

No one is small no one is big in this dirty game of this cabal. Sometime you might think that this person, Indrajit Chakraborty does not have any hold on the society and why do I need to work around it! Here you are mistaken. One thing you need to plant and root deep in your mind. A lot of people in this entire set up maintain such a low profile that you cannot doubt on them. But they are those who really and actually do the damage.

And moreover, when it comes to the background interactions you do around these people, you will actually find that they seem perfectly normal people. They are not that big if compared to some big names that actually come up. Lets discuss first on Indrajit uncle and then proceed further with the other chain of connections I made.”

Sushant singh rajput’s message

Singh continued writing, “Understanding each and every word I am writing here is the major key to the sequence of events. Every slide that I pen down here is very very important. If you feel that I am repeating it over and over again then let me tell you that the incidents that I am going to mention in this particular drive is the main reason I started documenting my work in this fashion. Where tomorrow even if I decide I want to make a change or do some random edit in these files, I should not be able to.

When any thought comes to you or when one incident happens in your life, you should actually make instant notes of it. Make sure that you keep these notes with you for ever. Whenever in life you feel you are losing or need any type of guidance, these notes in your life and your mistakes can be the best guide. You should prepare yourself by now to do some real work around these efforts of mine. But still would say you are not completely ready for it at present.

Remember, you need to plan your agenda in such a way that your thought process is perfect and your plans are accurate. Your observation must be like that eagle which is hunting for food. The most important thing you need to understand is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This comes true in most of the cases and we need to prepare ourselves for anything that comes up to us.”

Sushant singh rajput’s message continued

Sushant Singh Rajput expressed, “we should actually have that mindset to take anything that comes onto us on its face value. Just considering that instances where it came onto you will not work out. But before making a decision you need to have a quick rush of thoughts running through you. You must think where all your permutations and combinations happen, else there is no real reason for you to dwell along in this journey.

Because from here onwards, I request you to practice meditation or any other power exercise to your brain. You need a sharp brain which can actually give you 10 scenarios to one incident. You need prepare yourself for it, as this is how it is going to be when it comes to this battle. The point to consider here is that you will never know what is in store for you the next minute.

But yes one thing that I can vouch for is that till the time you believe in yourself and have that in you by default that no problem can pull you down till you actually let it do than you are all set to fight the biggest battle in your life.”

Indrajit Chakraborty & Rhea Chakraborty

Sushant Singh explained, “Now I will make a quick introduction that why I am writing about this person in detail. Indrajit Chakraborty, since I have known this man and spoken to him and he has given me strong negative vibes. Some topic of discussions we had ,make me doubt that whether this man is really an officer of army. Because if he is ,how he can be talking like this. He says that in this industry, if you have to do a favor in return for a favor or opportunity, you should not step back.

Seriously? A father telling his daughter or rather an elderly person in the family telling the younger generation this! One instance here, I have to make mention is that this devil himself told me something shocking. When the casting for the movie “Jalebi” was on, Rhea Chakraborty was in confusion of signing the role in it. But it was this man who actually convinced his own daughter to take up the role. My connection to Rhea Chakraborty was always there but then we never used to discuss our work.

This might look normal when you take this by face value but the deeper story is very different. The words of the man I don’t know what kind of a man he actually is! Whatever you want to conclude I don’t have the right set of words to describe this here. I don’t want to feed my thought process on to you here because this can be a crash course to you!”

Career of Rhea Chakraborty & her Father’s Fake Patriotism

Singh added, ” That is why I was speaking about the exercises you need to give to your brain. My take on this is, no normal father would feel comfortable in discussing such sensitive topics with his daughter. That sums up my initial sets of question on this man. After serving the nation, you don’t have any respect to the people who are serving. You say you took up retirement to actually shape up the career of your daughter! To help her pursue her dreams in acting! You have no respect for the Indian flag? Seriously!

God damn, this is a weird incident but I had to mention it. After a cozy night dinner with the family, we were walking out of the place where Indrajit Chakraborty accidently stepped on our tricolor which I am not sure which idiot had thrown on the road. My heart wept on the spot but there was no change of expressions on this man’s face . Forget about bending down to pick and clean it. This man walked ahead as if he stepped on a piece of paper.

If you think he might have not seen it, I picked it up and told him that you might have accidently stepped on the Indian flag . The response I got made me speechless. Indrajit Chakraborty said, “When you walk on the roads you should focus on the road, son! You should not pick the things that have fallen down. I mean how do I conclude anything around this for a character of  a man who was the lt. Colonel in the army. I mean seriously sick!”


Sushant Singh revealed, “When we got back home, I didn’t mention this incident to anyone. But next morning the man walked up to me. He said, ” Son, don’t take this matter so seriously and yes, indeed I am sorry. I was little too drunk yesterday night. I was not in the right frame of mind. Too many thoughts were flowing in my mind and I was not sure as to what exactly was happening around me. I have immense respect towards our nation and our flag. It was just a mistake in the fit of a moment.”

This explanation to the mistake made was that actually needed what was tried to be fed onto me (Thought process I mean). What is more confusing is that the body language. I never like people who do drugs or are addicted to intoxication. But sir ji ke liye to sab chalta hai even to the extent when co-stars interact with each other, Indrajit used to actively involve. I did not tell this to Rhea yet but I will soon when the right time comes.

Kindly remember you have to finish this drive completely before you go ahead and take any actions. Because you need to understand every word of this drive and only then you will be in the position to take the right decision. I have not yet started the real matter for which I am to speak here.”

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